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IRIS Connect

We're proud partners of IRIS Connect

We make great CPD affordable and scalable

We drive superior learning outcomes for schools and teachers. Our technology makes high impact CPD accessible and cost effective and our implementation support guarantees impact. During one year with a very effective teacher, pupils gain 40% more in their learning than they would with a poorly performing teacher (Sutton Trust). Our aim is to give teachers access to all of the opportunities shown to enhance CPD and therefore classroom practice.    

Create better learning opportunities out of lesson observations

Empower teachers in your school and fuel a culture based on trust with more effective and developmental lesson observations to rapidly improve teaching and learning. Our video platform lets you contextualise feedback and encourage professional dialogue for a more meaningful, collaborative approach to observation. 

Transform classroom practice through powerful teacher reflection

Inspire and motivate teachers in your school to make meaningful changes to their practice with a more personalised, focused and powerful approach to self-reflection through video.

Discover endless opportunities for more successful coaching

Coaching and mentoring is vital when developing teachers but it can be difficult to implement successfully. Our video coaching tools enable you to enhance and enrich coaching in your school with a more dynamic and efficient approach that enables you to overcome the challenges associated with traditional methods.

Build the collective capacity and streamline professional development

Set everyone in your school up for success with our all-in-one video professional learning platform. Provide teachers and leaders with the tools they need to achieve their teaching and learning goals and drive whole-school improvement.

Enable meaningful sharing and collaboration in and across your trust

Imagine if all of the teachers within your trust could record, edit and share examples of effective teaching practice at a click of a button? Help to tackle the challenges of scalable, teacher collaboration.

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